
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2002 Meursault 1er Cru "La Piece sous le bois" Domaine Robert Ampeau

In this blogpost, I will go into more details for the the Great Chardonnay Tasting. Each person was provided with the glassware for the six wines that were going to be poured. The glasses were designated A-F. Here is what the glassware for the tasting looked like:
Before the tasting, each participant was also given information regarding the wines that they were going to taste in order to provide some information regarding the place of origin and in some cases the vinification process. These notes were meant to be clues to help in the identification of the wine.
Therefore, for the 2002 Meursault 1er Cru "La Piece sous le bois" Domaine Robert Ampeau, these were the notes:
Wine "A" was revealed, it was a Domaine Robert Ampeau 2002 Meursault 1er Cru "La Piece sous le bois". You can see by the pour in glass A, although the Domaine Robert Ampeau is now 20 years old, none of the age was showing in the glass. It was light yellow in color. One of the things that I did notice on first sniff was that it gave off some sulfury, reductive notes which blew off upon swirling. The longer it sat in the glass, the better the wine became. It was honeyed lemon with a spicy finish.

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