
Monday, November 15, 2021

Next Steps for our 2021 Barbera

We harvested our Barbera on Monday, October 25, just ahead of a nor'easter that was headed for our region the following day. We hand destemmed the small amount of Barbera that we harvested and used the yeast, F83 for our fermentation which we started on October 28.
We did daily punch downs so that the cap would be submerged in the liquid so that it would not be a substrate for Acetobacter to grow on.
On November 1, after verifying that the Barbera had finished fermentation, we pressed the wine away from the skins. Since we had a very small amount of wine, we used a huge colander which was placed over a clean 5-gallon food grade bucket. We also used a mash bag between the collander and the 5-gallon bucket and this effectively removed much of the larger particles from the juice. After we did this, we used a funnel to put the wine into a 6-gallon glass carboy.
In the above picture, you can see on the right hand side the sediment that has settled. Next steps for us is to rack this wine into a smaller container.

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