
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Vintage 2021: August

It is August! I just heard on the news that July 2021 was the third wettest July in Connecticut. We had 19 days of rain out of 31 days. That kind of explains why we find ourselves a little behind the work that we need to do. We had great help over the weekend and lowered the nets on the first variety we know will enter véraison, the Auxerrois. The Auxerrois grapes are not yet into véraison, being still hard and green, so we are ahead of the game!
However, we have 31 more rows of nets to lower before the onset of véraison. Easy to say, not so easy to execute. Encouraged by the 19 days of rain, the grape vines grew and grew and grew! We spent the better part of July hedging our vineyard.
Shoots that were once tucked into the catchwires found a way to grow around the netting so we have to cut the tendrils off the netting and tuck the shoots back into the catchwires before any more nets can be lowered. We are almost done with Chardonnay, the next variety that will enter véraison.
The rest of August will find us shoot tucking and lowering the netting.

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