
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Waiting for Flowering

By looking at our Vintage 2021: Annual Cycle of Growth Chart, we have had flowering in the vineyard from mid-June to early July. In his book Wine Science, Ronald Jackson says that "Flowering normally occurs within 8 weeks of bud break. The precise timing varies with weather conditions and cultivar characteristics."
So currently, the vineyard is between Eicchorn-Lorenz stages 18, which is 14 leaves separated, flower caps still in place but cap color fading from green and flowering which encompasses Eicchorn-Lorenz stages 19 to 26.
One June 1, I took these photos of our inflorescence:
Here is what a Barbera inflorscence looks like compared to my hand:
I hope to capture the process of flowering for all of the varieites. Meanwhile, shoot thinning details continues but we have a respite from the work today as it is raining!

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