
Friday, March 12, 2021

Moveable Netting Catchwires

In 2019, we moved all of our netting from a fixed catchwire to a moveable wire. We were hoping to avoid the problems that we faced when the shoots grew and tangled their tendrils into the netting, making shoot positioning an onerous task. This year, we are making use of that feature and moving the nets from their position at the end of harvest, to the lowest possible setting. Our friends came to lend us a hand and this is what the netting position looks like before and after:
Moving the netting to the lower setting facilitates the clean up work that goes on in removing the tendrils, Agfast and the wire holding down last year's lay down cane.
I have to say, though, the Barbera is a tangled mess! But the new netting position makes all the tendrils visible and easier to trim.

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