
Friday, December 30, 2016

Recapping Our 2016 Season

2016 is wrapping up, so I thought I would stick with something I did last year, Recapping Our 2015 Season.
Early in 2016, we still had our irrigation to put into the ground, fortunately January was warm enough to allow that and we finished up right before the first major snowfall and winter making it's presence known. In March, we bottled our first vintage from our 2015 harvest of Chenin Blanc. We followed that up with digging 4200 holes with a rented auger and the help of friends. We called on more friends in May to come and help us plant the 4200 vines and put in our irrigation to water the new vines in a very dry summer of 2016. We were too late to order the type of netting that we like, so we went to plan B and bagged our grape clusters with organza wedding bags. We were fortunate to have almost double the harvest that we had in 2015 and our friends came out to help with the harvest and the crushing. That was fun! The wine is resting in our fermentaion chamber waiting to be bottled. Wishing you all the Best in 2017!

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