
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Vineyard Sightings

Our 2 nano-harvests, a half gallon of Auxerrois and almost a half gallon of Chardonnay are fermenting away in our fermentation chamber (repurposed chest freezer) in the basement. Although it is now technically "fall", the temperatures have been in the 80's until today. We have a week of cooler weather coming up and hope our second harvest of Chenin blanc can reach at least 22 Brix. We have had an extremely dry, hot summer and looking at our test results, the titratable acids of our Chenin blanc seems very low at 7.4 g/L. While we ponder these results, we have been greeted by the site of an adult and juvenile goshawk on the land. Awesome! These blurry pictures has my husband thinking about getting a camera with a telephoto lens.

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