
Saturday, August 13, 2016


It has been more than 10 weeks since the last time that we recorded an inch of rain. We have watched with hope as rain systems made it's way across Connecticut, only to be disappointed as the gray clouds parted and the sun shown through right as the rain bearing system approached our vineyard.
We were not to be denied on August 10 and August 11th, we had a continual rainfall that accumulated to about 1-1/4 inches!

Here is the rainfall that we have been having to date:
May 30 1 inch
July 29 1/2 inch
August 1 1/4 inch
August 10-11 1-1/4 inch
August 22 1-1/4 inch
September 6 1/2 inch
September 19 1-3/4 inch
October 22 2 inches
October 30 3 inches

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