
Friday, May 13, 2016

Preparing the Staging Area for Planting

Early Wednesday morning, we received word that our vines would not be delivered on the scheduled day, Wednesday, but would arrive on Thursday. There was no dearth of things to do to prepare for the delivery, in other words, we still had so many things to do, so we went about our work.
Yesterday morning, we got up to the land at 9 a.m. and Barry, (aka our lineman) had already set up the tent and the portapotty delivery person was just putting this luxury item in the appropriate location. Once again, we were able to borrow our neighbor's refrigerated van for storing the vines.
We decided that we would be planting from the east side of our vineyard which would consist of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay ENTAV clone 96 and Chardonnay ENTAV clone 76 so the staging area was set up in this way.
After the portapotty arrived, we worked on getting more pencil rods into the pre-drilled holes and my husband went to get some water in the IBC tanks to have it ready in the staging area. Time passed and the vines were no where in sight. We were given a delivery window which was from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The lineman and I were getting hungry so my husband went to get some lunch and we enjoyed it on a perfect spring day with a little cooling breeze. Still no delivery.
Barry had errands to run since he has a big event coming up for him in Philadelphia this weekend so he left us to continue our watch. At 3 p.m. on the dot, the FedEx truck pulled into our drive way.
Jim was the FedEx delivery person and in the truck were 2 big pallets containing our vines! Hurray!!!!

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