
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Tab: Irrigation

After planting our vines, we have been crossing our fingers so that we would have some rain. Many of our friends who came to plant the 4200 vines were also crossing their fingers with us. Overnight on Sunday and into Monday morning, we were the beneficiaries of 1/2-inches of rain. This gives us a little breathing room so that we can get our irrigation pump so that we can use the irrigation system that we installed in November 2015-January 2016.
We've done a lot of research and work regarding the consideration of water in our vineyard and I thought that I would summarize it under a New Tab: Irrigation. I thought that it was important enough so I placed it right after the Viticulture tab above.
You will find the following blogposts under the Irrigation tab:
Soil Texture and Water Holding Capacity---Part 1
Evapotranspiration and Irrigation---Part 2
Precipitation in Connecticut
Ways to Measure Vineyard Water Status
Video on How to Use a Pressure Chamber
Well Drilling and Dowsers
Irrigation is Vital
An Acre Inch of Water
Determining When and How Much to Irrigate
Dowsing for Water: My husband is a Believer
Well! It's a Gusher
Trench Digging for Our Irrigation System
Assembling the Irrigation Pipe
Installing Our Irrigation System

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