
Thursday, March 31, 2016

We Bottled Our Wine

The bottling setup was completed, tests were done on the wine, we are running out of bottling preparations, only one thing left to do---we must bottle the wine!
I think there is always a little fear and trepidation when attempting something for the first time. My husband had purchased all the equipment that we needed to bottle our wine.
We had nitrogen gas equipped with a single stage regulator with two gauges, one for measuring the tank pressure and one for measuring the pressure which was attached to a brass y-splitter that went to the Sanke keg as well as the beer wand. We first did a test of the system with water in one of our Sanke kegs to test for any leaks in the system. In the photo below, the other Sanke keg holds our wine.
We did discover a small water leak where the tubing met the Sanke keg, so my husband tightened the fitting. The next thing was to connect the system to the filter.
We also hooked up our beer/wine dispensing wand to the other end of the filter and tested this setup with the Sanke keg that had water in it. So, the first thing that we bottled was water. We went the whole nine yards and my husband corked the bottle of water.
The moment of truth. My husband switched the Sanke kegs and we were off and filling! When all was said and done, we were able to fill one case of 750 mL bottles and 2 cases of 375 mL bottles. Chenin Blanc 2015!

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