
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wine Folly: A Little Digression on a Sunday Morning

This morning, my husband got up because the light coming through our skylight woke him up, even before the birds began to sing. He pulled out his iPad and looked at some kind of wine app. We went to our office (aka dining room table) and started doing our wine research. I'm trying to figure our how we can design a gravity flow layout (blog to follow) for our winery and came upon this image (why would it show up on gravity flow?) and it intrigued me enough to go to Wine Folly.
There, I clicked on a video and came upon the same video that my husband was watching in bed! How is that for coincidence. Since we both came upon the same video independently, we thought that it was a sign that we should buy the book. At $14.95 on Amazon, we had to have it!
We have seen the author, Madeline Puckette on SOMM: Into the Bottle and I have come across a few of her illustrations on the Internet that are very well done and very beautiful. The book looks like a very handy, accessible resource to have. I'll blog about it after we receive it.

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