
Thursday, January 14, 2016

2014 Vigneto Saetti

My husband is ranging a little out of our territory to procure unusual wines and he got this lambrusco from The Manhattan Wine Company and paid $19.00!
This lambrusco is a Louis Dressner imported 2014 Vigneto Saetti and hails from the Modena region. The color was ruby red with a little fizz.
I looked online to find out more about what I was drinking and found a nice article on the Dressner site about the Lambrusco Salamino from Luciano Saetti. Luciano Saetti began life as an egg distributor and having made a fair amount of money in that business, turned his attention to making Lambrusco from organically grown grapes on 3 hectares of land. Saetti's vineyard is planted in the local strain of Lambrusco called Salamino. I looked up this variety in Robinson, et. al. compendium Wine Grapes and found that the grape is called Salamino because the grape bunch resembles a small salami!1
The link to the Dressner site gives a tour of the Saetti facility including a video on how Saetti corks his wine. I showed my husband the video because when he opened the bottle, he was surprised that the cork did not come with the usual wire cage. After opening the wrapper, we found a little note in the bottle:
The label itself is very interesting. It is made from a very cool fabric in his friend's factory. I went to feel the label and indeed, it is made from fabric!
1. J. Robinson, J. Harding and J. Vouillamoz, Wine Grapes - A complete guide to 1,368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavours, pg 538, Allen Lane 2012 ISBN 978-1-846-14446-2.

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