
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fermentation Progress

Our fermentation has been bubbling away. We inoculated the must on September 29 around 11 a.m., saw the first signs of very slow evoluation of bubbles in the fermentation lock on the following day, September 30th around 5 p.m. Our initial Brix reading was 22 degrees. We don't have all of the measuring tools that we need to record pH, TA, SO2 values, but we can take Brix readings with our refractometer. I found a very nice Brix to SG Conversion Utilizing Refractometer chart as well as a management chart on line that we have been filling out to record the progress of our fermentation. Our temperature in our temperature controlled refrigerator is a constant 62 oFahrenheit.
In order to take the Brix reading, we have to open the fermentation lock, so we have only taken 2 readings so far. Once on October 3rd, and both of the kegs were at 17 oBrix and the next time on October 6th, when the reading was at 15 oBrix. The other things that we can do is to smell the fermentation and give it a little taste. So far, we can smell yeast and now, a little bit of alcohol. We have not smelt hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs) or ethyl acetate (nail polish) and the taste so far is pretty good, but of course I am so biased!

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