
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Got Juice

I am a little behind in posting the activities that occurred on Saturday, September 26th after the grape stomping. The videos were located on my husband's camera and he uploaded it for me today. So, here is a video of the juice that came out of one of the bags that we stomped ala "I Love Lucy".
We collected the juice in the sanitized Poland Spring 5 gallon jug. Following good sanitation practices, my husband cleaned all of the equipment we used with PBW followed by a distilled water wash then, Saniclean followed by a distilled water wash.
As we collected the juice, we put in 1/8th teaspoon of potassium metabisulfite to kill any microorganisms as well as to prevent oxidation. After we got all of the juice, we pitched in the other 1/8th teaspoon of potassium metabisulfite so that we had approximately 50 ppm free sulfur dioxide in the juice.
We took the Brix (22 oBrix) and specific gravity readings (1.089) with the hydrometer.
The juice then went into our refrigerator for the cold settling step to remove grape solids. We are dedicating our spare refrigerator to the fermentation. On day 2 of settling, the juice looked like this:

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