
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Disease Affected Plants

It's been about 1 week since we noticed that some of our plants were being affected by a Grape Leaf Problem. In order to determine if it was some kind of abiotic problem or a nutritional deficiency, we decided to count and map out the places in the vineyard that we notice the occurrence of this leaf problem. The vineyard was divided according to the number of line posts. The count begins with the end post numbered as 1 and the first line post becomes 2, between end post 1 and line post 2 are 5 vines. We have 24 line posts as indicated on the horizontal axis. The y-axis indicates the variety that has been planted in the row.
The results of our mapping yields this visual. The compass shows that north is on the right hand side as you face the image. The unaffected rows are colored green and the affected cells in the row are colored brown and in the brown cells are the number of vines that are affected with the leaf browning problem. At the moment, it appears that we have 31 plants that are affected. We will be keeping tabs on our plants to see if this problem spreads to our other vines and the direction of the spread.

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