
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Shoot Positioning and Leaf Pulling

If you are as late as we are in putting up your trellis wire, you might find yourself doing the following: We are having to go through our vineyard and shoot position all of our vines that have reached their third level of catch wires.
For many of our vines, we have to untangle the tendrils that have entwined around each other, position the shoots where it makes the most sense and then leaf pull to expose our grapes to sunlight. We motored through the first 20 rows and we are now working on the Chenin Blanc that have as many as 50 plants per row it is taking us 2 or more hours per row. We need to do this so that we open up our canopy for airflow and allow the sunlight to hit our nodes so that the buds that will produce next year's growth will be fruitful. We have also been dropping fruit that is not on a cane that can support ripening as well as fruit that appears smaller than the majority of the rest of the fruit that we have. Here below is one of the standouts in our vineyard.

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