
Sunday, May 10, 2015

2015 Plant Distribution

It took us about 6 days and 42 human hours to transplant our grapevines that were scattered in various locations in our vineyard. In addition, we brought the vines in our backyard nursery to join their brothers and sisters in the vineyard.
Our recent count of live plants and plants that we have moved gives the following plant distribution.
The Chardonnay ENTAV 76 was collapsed into 4 rows and the Chardonnay ENTAV 96 was moved next to the ENTAV 76 vines and also collapsed into 4 rows. This leaves us with 6 rows on the east side to put in some trial red varieties in 2016.
We also moved our Auxerrois FPS 1 from the west side of the vineyard so that they are now all in rows 2 and 3. Row 4 is totally free of vines which we hope to replant with Auxerrois FPS 2 in 2016.
For comparison, this was the plant distribution in the fall of 2014.
The fact that we have moved all the "stray" vines allows us to concentrate our attention in a more confined area. We will still need to weed and take care of the rest of the vineyard, but having the vines closer together means that we will be able to take care of other activities like vineyard scouting and spraying, more efficiently.
Happy Mother's Day!

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