
Friday, May 1, 2015

2015: Augering Holes

Yesterday, we rented an auger to make some holes in the vineyard so that we could transplant some of our live plants. We needed to make 148 holes. My husband had already moved 8 plants on Wednesday, and it took him an entire morning, so moving 148 more without any automation seemed futile. We were able to rent this auger from Home Depot. We began around 10 a.m.
We're moving the surviving plants that are in various locations on our 4.5 acres into a block so that it will be easier to take care of them during this growing season. Augering holes will also give us a good idea of how long this job will take because we are considering augering 6500 holes in the fall in preparation for spring 2016 replanting. We were just about 2/3rds of the way done when we were saved by reinforcements. Our friends Mary and Barry came to check up on us and gave us a hand. This was just the push that we needed to dig the remaining holes, so in 5 hours and with help from our friends, we were able to auger 148 holes. At this rate, we can auger 6500 holes in 44 days!

Meanwhile, in walking around the vineyard, there are many hopeful signs that the buds are slowly, but surely coming out of their winter dormancy and showing a little bit of pink!

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