
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nature's Turner

On April Fool's Day, we went up to our land to retrieve our data loggers to reprogram them and then in the process, we downloaded the photos that were on our Stealth Cam. Just a week ago, the vineyard was still covered in snow. Now, all of the snow has melted so we are making plans to get back to work!
But, I just had to share these photos from our Stealth Cam. Recently, we went to see the movie called Mr. Turner, about a gifted English painter who lived in the late 18th century to the mid-19th century. We had no idea about the paintings of Mr. Turner, but our newly retired friend, Mary, knew all about him and had long appreciated his works. After watching the movie, we went home to learn more about Mr. Turner from the Internet and found that many of his paintings were depicted in the movie. When we looked at the photos taken by our Stealth Cam, I felt that this scene below could be one from Mr. Turner's later years, when he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light.
Here is what the above scene looks like sans snow. There is always something wonderous to appreciate up on our land.

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