
Friday, April 10, 2015

2013 Clos Pepe Axis Mundi

About a week ago, we received our case of wine that we ordered when we went to visit Clos Pepe. It's always a good idea to let the travel weary bottles rest awhile to let them recover, but we didn't wait too long to try this 2013 Clos Pepe Axis Mundi which is a rosé of Mouvedre. According to the label in the back of the bottle, Axis Mundi is a philosophical term that denotes a sacred space, a World Tree where compass points meet and fields of opposites become harmonious.
The color of a rosé which is a blush pink always reminds me of my initial love of white Zinfandel, which I think I would now find cloyingly sweet. This Axis Mundi was very dry and went very well with the lavash pizza that my husband has been making. Inspired by the lavash that we found at a speciality store in San Diego coupled with the trip to Industrial Eats in Buellton, California, my husband has been making diet friendly lavash
crust pizzas. The lavash can been found in any grocery store near the deli counter. There are recipes on line but you can put whatever you desire as a topping on the lavash and bake it in a preheated 400 degree oven for 10 minutes. The lavash turns into a light crispy cracker like vehicle for the topping. This particular one has cherry tomatoes, artichokes and thyme sprigs on a bed of grated Gruyere cheese.

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