
Friday, March 6, 2015

Temperature Sensitive Wine Labels

Whenever we drink a white wine, we do notice that temperature can play a major role in enjoying the fullest expression of the wine. Since we have grandchildren, we are familiar with the "forehead temperature strip" that can quickly measure body temperature. Having that in mind, I've always mentioned to my husband that....wouldn't it be nice if there was something that you could just put on a wine bottle that would accurately predict the temperature of the wine. He seemed to think that something like that was already out there.
This month's issue of Wines & Vines contains an article called Think Ink written by Jane Firstenfeld about a new kind of label made by G3 Enterprises using temperature sensitive or thermochromic ink that can be applied directly onto glass or a label to indicate the ideal temperature of the wine. An example which was given in the article was the Turning Leaf label. The label changes when the wine has been chilled and is ready to drink.
Getting back to the "forehead temperature strip" idea, there already is a company out there Dry Pak Industries that sells strips made out of a polyester (mylar) microencapsulated liquid crystal color changing ink that is accurate +/- 0.5 °C. I think this is a great opportunity to package and market a "wine temperature strip" to the discerning wine consumer.

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