
Thursday, January 8, 2015

2010 Charles Joguet Chinon

A few nights ago, my husband made Laura Calder's duck l'orange and our friends brought over this 2010 Charles Joguet Chinon. It was most appropriate because I had just started to read about Cabernet Franc but my husband, who is much more of a fine wine connoiseur, was already familiar with the Charles Joguet Chinon.
I used to be a huge fan of duck l'orange and would order it to see how various restaurants prepared it. One memorable duck l'orange that I had was at a restaurant called The Corner Cupboard, a restaurant located north of Ithaca, N.Y. This memory is more than 30 years old and you know how memories can play tricks. In any case, the Laura Calder duck l'orange is delicious and fresh tasting because you use fresh oranges, zest and sections to prepare the sauce. It paired very well with the Charles Joguet Chinon, which had a dark maroon color and was a full bodied version of Cabernet Franc with spicy notes.
Later, in one of the articles that I was reading, The Sad Plight of Cabernet Franc, Mike Steinberger opines that Charles Joguet Chinon is among the earthiest and most sensual wines on the market!

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