
Monday, January 19, 2015

2007 I Carpini Barbera Superiore

We didn't exactly come home empty handed when we went on our snowy winter's roadtrip to Milk and Honey Bazaar and Newport Vineyards. We also made a stop at Bellevue Wine & Spirits in Newport, Rhode Island. The owners of Bellevue Wine & Spirits also own the Milk and Honey Bazaar and we thought that we might be able to pick up some of their cheeses at the wine store. It was not to be. But, my husband was still on our singular quest for finding Cabernet Franc wines and he thought that we might be able to find some at Bellevue from the Loire. We weren't able to find any Cabernet Franc, but we were able to find this 2007 I Carpini Barbera Superiore. We took the bottle home and had it with our dinner of shiitake mushrooms sauteed in finely chopped garlic, olive oil and butter, over which a cup of heavy cream was poured then some grated parmesan. Hot cheese tortellini was thrown into the pan and served with a sprinkling of fresh flat leaf parsley. Yum. When we opened the bottle, the cork was soaked 3/4th of the way up, usually not a good sign, but this 8 year old Barbera was still alive and very dry with good color. It went well with the pasta dish.
I wanted to find out more about this wine so I located a website that provided more information. The 2007 I Carpini Barbera Superiore is grown in the Piedmont in the Denominazione de Origine Controllata (DOC) Colli Tortonesi.
The 2007 I Carpini Barbera is a premium wine designated "Bruma d'Autunno", grown from old vines planted in 1926. The wine spends 5 years aging in steel and oak. The managing director is Paolo Carlo Ghislandi. The winery is a founding member of FIVI (Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti), as well as a member of Consorzio Tutela vini doc Tortona, Coldiretti and Slow Food.

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