
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Augering Anchors

Mother Nature has been giving us some days off beginning with last Saturday when we had 2-1/4 inches of rain and then on Tuesday and Wednesday when the cumulative total was 2-3/4 inches of rain, so in one week's time, we have had 5 inches of rain. I know that this is nothing compared to what California has been having but this is a lot of rain in a short time for us. Our fields have been so dry that the soils have soaked up this rain and our tiling has removed what was in excess of field capacity.
Nice days are back again, beginning with yesterday when the temperatures were in the 30's with no wind so, it was a work day for us. Now that the end posts are in the ground, we need to think about putting in the ground anchors.
We marked where all of the ground anchors should go and then went to Gales Ferry to borrow an auger from out friends.
Today, we are hooking up the auger to our Landini:

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