
Monday, October 20, 2014

Hoboware Temperature Loggers Deployed

Yesterday, we had every intention to pound more line posts but when we reached the vineyard, the wind was blowing strongly enough so that our guide line was affected, so we went to plan B. We deployed our Onset Date Loggers that will monitor the temperature in the vineyard. We would have, could have, should have been monitoring our temperature way before planting our vines so that we would be aware of temperature variations on our 4.5 acre plot, but at least we have gotten around to it. So, we deployed them in 3 locations:
Logger number 1 is located at the lowest point in the vineyard in the northeast corner. Logger number 2 is located on the west edge of the vineyard and logger number 3 is located on the south front portion of the vineyard.
Prior to deploying the loggers in the vineyard, we collected data for 20 days so once the loggers were positioned we were able to test the ability to download data to the shuttle. The transfer of 20 days of temperature collection didn't take very long and when we brought the data shuttle back home, we were able to retrieve the information from the temperature loggers.
Our deployment of the temperature loggers were just in time. This morning, when I woke up, I observed the first frost on the windshield of my car!