
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dowsing for Water: My Husband is a Believer

We are in the process of having our well drilled and after interviewing 3 well drillers in our area, we selected Tony. When we met with Tony about a week ago, my husband nudged me so that I could ask Tony if he knew of any dowsers. Tony mentioned that he is a dowser as is his father! I was elated.
Yesterday, Tony came to dowse for water. My husband came to get me from the vineyard where I was weed wacking with my wheeled trimmer. I asked Tony if he was holding a willow branch and he said that any type of branch would do. Tony had made a dowsing rod from a tree growing on the property. Tony had already figured out where the well should go and it wasn't where we wanted it, but it was close enough. After showing us where the dowsing rod was pointing to, Tony asked if I wanted to try it. Definitely! Suffice it to say that I am not a dowser. Then, Tony asked if my husband, the skeptic wanted to try it, and wouldn't you know, my husband can dowse! This turned by husband from a skeptic to a believer! He said that it felt like the rod was rotating in his palm and then would point down to the location that Tony found. Tony said that it would be okay for me to take and post the video shown below:

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