
Monday, July 14, 2014

Help is Always Welcomed

Our friend Mary, brought her niece Charlotte and Charlotte brought her friend Anna to help us in the vineyard this past Saturday.
There are always things to do. On that day, Charlotte and Anna helped to catch more Japanese beetles to add to the collection of beetles for making beetlejuice. It might be my fervent hope or, it appears that there are far fewer Japanese beetles this year than there were last year. Charlotte thought that the Japanese beetles were really quite beautiful, and I agree, but in large numbers, they are very destructive. I've also noticed that the wild grape vines in our area are not infested with Japanese beetles. Somehow the beetles tend to gravitate toward wine grapes---what's up with that?
While I was showing Charlotte and Anna how to catch the beetles, Mary went to help my husband pick up rocks from the last 2 vineyard rows! That is one huge task that we can check off! Later, my husband asked me why I didn't come to pick up rocks after showing the girls how to catch beetles in soapy water. Hmmm......
Thanks Mary, Charlotte and Anna!

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