
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Count of Live Plants

Last week, Mary helped us to count the number of live plants that we have. We have done this count before. The last time that we did it was about a month ago. We do have a few more plants that have sent up shoots. The distribution of live plants is interesting but also a little puzzling, so I decided to graph it. We have 36 rows of vines, so the graph shows the number of rows as the x-axis and the y-axis shows the number of live plants in that row. The colors on the graph designate the number of vines that are in the south third, middle third and the north third. Since our rows are arranged in a rectangle, the top of the graph is north and the other compass directions are indicated on the graph:
The graph shows that there are far more vines located in the southern portion of our vineyard and far more vines located in the western portion of our vineyard. What does that really look like? Here is the view from the middle of the field looking southwest:
Here is the view from the middle of the field looking southeast:
The plants that are the most prolific are the Chenin blanc. The west and east sides of our field are planted to Auxerrois and Chardonnay. They have not fared well. We are trying to determine why this might be so.

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