
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Brett in the Vineyard

No, not the dreaded Brettanomyces of wine spoilage fame, but our son. Coincident with the purchase of the wheeled trimmer was the arrival of our son, Brett from Seattle. He came a few days in advance of his engagement in Boston, to help in the vineyard and to visit with his friends. So, on Wednesday and Thursday, I had extra help and mustering my best imitation of Tom Sawyer a-la-whitewashing-fences, said, "I think weed wacking with this trimmer is fun!" Our son took turns with me and gave me a break after weed wacking each row. He had to admit that the wheeled trimmer was much more fun than say....the holstered weed wacker that his father was using. Point well taken!
The end result of going through the vine rows is the following "before" and "after" photo:
What the above photo shows is that we would still have to remove the rocks in the vine row before we can use the grape hoe in the way it was intended to be used.

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