
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Post Progress

We are getting pretty good at putting in our line posts. Yesterday, we put in 12 posts in one hour at the end of the day. Our rows are 756 feet in length with 189 vines planted 4 feet apart. We are putting in our posts 20 feet apart which means that we have 37 posts in each row. So, if we can do 12 an hour, it should take us about 3 hours to do one row. We have 36 rows, so if my math is correct, it should take us 108 hours to do the entire vineyard! There is hope! We have already done 3 complete rows. In addition, each row has 4 posts already staked in the vineyard. Here is what it looks like at the moment.
In every other row, the tall grass is the germinating winter rye that we seeded last October. Our next task is to cultivate the winter rye before it goes to seed and put in some grass in the rows with the non-germinating oats before this cool weather ends. Speaking of which, it is supposed to go down to 40 oF this evening. It has been a long, cool spring!

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