
Monday, November 25, 2013

More Things to Do: Trellis Installation

The year is coming to a close very quickly and time will fly since the holidays are just around the corner. Not only that, it is definitely becoming very cold. This usually happens, it is New England, after all. Although we have had such a wonderful Indian summer that allowed us to work much longer into the fall, we still have things left to do. We received our trellis material in late June and it hasn't budged from where we left it:
My husband researched the kind of post pounder we would need to drive the line posts into the ground and we needed a trailer to hall the posts into the vineyard. We were able to locate a pretty hefty dump trailer and received it last week.
There is nothing holding us back now from completing the task at hand. I just want to add, though that it was bitterly cold with howling winds on Sunday so we hunkered down at home. But, today is another day.

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