
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wine Faults Aroma Kit

In the online UC Davis Course offering called Wine Production, we were advised to purchase a kit called Wine Flaws sold by Le Nez du Vin. We have it lying around our livingroom and every so often, our friends will open it up and take a whiff of it and try to identify the smell. It can be a fun parlor game.
We recently came upon a bottle of Chardonnay that was very aromatic but the flavor was just off. It tasted very synthetic to me. This reminded me of another Chardonnay vintage 2006 that had the same characteristics and I took a sip and couldn't drink it. At that time, I was in the midst of taking another online course called Wine Quality and Stability and asked my classmates and instructors if they were familiar with that type of off flavor. It's very difficult to describe and put into words what I was tasting, but I think I will revisit the Wine Flaws kit and see if I can figure it out.
If I figure it out using the Wine Faults Aroma Kit, I'll update this blog. If you can help me with this identify what I am smelling and tasting, please drop me a line. Thanks!

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