
Friday, September 14, 2012

Cast Your Vote for the Wine Spectator Video Contest

After putting up the blogpost for A Great Example of Video Marketing---Gundlach Bundschu, I emailed Gundlach Bundschu and got a response from Katie Bundschu who told me that their video is a finalist in the Wine Spectator Video Contest.
If you are interested in seeing the finalists, the link is here:
2012 Video Contest Finalists
You can still cast your vote to help determine who the winner will be:
Here's the reveal schedule:
September 10-16: Voting
September 17: 2nd and 3rd places announced
September 18: Winner announced and Honorable Mention videos are posted
I know that this is going a little afield of my usual blogposts, but it's always good to have a little fun while learning about wine!

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