
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Video on How to Use a Pressure Chamber

It is really hot, so just imagine how your vines must be feeling, or better yet, get a handle on their real status! In my previous blog Ways to Measure Vineyard Water Status, I have a bullet about using a Pressure Chamber also known as a Pressure Bomb to measure the vine water status. In doing a bit more digging on the internet, I found a YouTube Video on how to use the Pressure Chamber. If you are like me and learn a lot from a visual versus a written explanation, this video is for you.
Many times, before I use a video or material that I reference, I do consult the author(s). In this case, I went to PMS Instrument Company and wrote to ask for permission to use the video. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a very positive response from Jeff Hamel. This is a very good video to learn how to use a Pressure Chamber.
To see more information about the Pressure Chamber, please go to this link: PMS Instrument Company

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