
Monday, July 2, 2012

Ken Forrester Visit

I think it is fair to say that our foray into Chenin blanc can be attributed to a Petit Chenin that we tasted a while back. Who knew that Chenin blanc could taste so good! This chance tasting led us to consider Chenin blanc as one of the grapes that we planned to grow, especially when we learned that Paumanok Vineyards across the sound from us on Long Island was making a stellar Chenin blanc. All of a sudden, the thought of growing Chenin blanc and making wine became a definite possibility. Our education in Chenin blanc began in earnest as we explored the wines of the Loire Valley Vouvray.
Last week, my husband was reading The Day, our local newspaper and told me that Ken Forrester had visited our area and provided his wines for the Chenin Celebration at the Octagon restaurant in Groton! We were very disappointed to learn that we missed this dinner and our chance to meet Ken Forrester. But, may be he will come to our area again and this time we hope to be prepared and may be even have a bottle of our Chenin blanc for him to taste. One can dream.

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