
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wine Tasting at Linden Hardscrabble Vineyard

After attending the Wineries Unlimited show, we made our way to Linden Vineyards. We had a tasting of their wines and then sat on their veranda for a snack consisting of a delicious baguette, Grayson cheese and sausage with a glass of Hardscrabble Chardonnay and Hardscrabble Red.
We walked the vineyards a little and saw that their Chardonnay were lyre trained as well as VSP trellised and then we ran into Jim Law, the owner, vineyardist and winemaker of Linden.
Jim Law wrote a book called The Backyard Vintner which was published in 2005. We have this book and it provides good information for winemaking on a small scale. We were delighted that he stopped to speak with us. We explained that we were going to grow Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Auxerrois in Connecticut. Jim was interested in the tall grafts that we are going to receive from Mercier next spring.
On Sunday, we went to Linden Vineyard again, this time with our son and his fiancé and made it in time for their 11:30 weekend guided tour and their noon cellar tasting. We tasted their Boisseau, Avenius, and Hardscrabble Chardonnay and Red Wines. We were all impressed by the different flavors from the various vineyard sites that were expressed in the Chardonnay and Red Wines. It was difficult to pick which one we liked the best, they are like children, you like each for their individual characteristics.

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