
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wine Tasting at Closson Chase

It took about 3 hours for us to drive from the Niagara region to Prince Edward County (PEC). No, don't confuse it with Prince Edward Island, like we initially did. We visited PEC because they are growing grapes and making wine here. PEC is practicing some extreme viticulture. In order to grow grapes on this island, they have to bury their grapevines at the end of the growing season and then unearth the vines during spring. Amazing! Makes Connecticut feel almost tropical by comparison. Our first stop was at Closson Chase where Nick Bertrand kindly gave us a tour of the winemaking facility. Back at the tasting room, we did a side-by-side tasting of their Chardonnay from the Beamsville Bench, Niagara River and PEC and a side-by-side tasting of their Pinot Noir from the Niagara River, PEC and PEC Churchside vineyard. We were doing our tasting next to this wonderful lady who obviously knew all about how to sniff and taste the wine.

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