
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Icewine Tasting at Royal DeMaria

After our visit to Colaneri, we followed Mike to Royal DeMaria for icewine tasting. When we arrived at the door, there was a sign saying "By Chance or Appointment". Fortunately, Ainsworth, who was working in the field saw Mike and drove his tractor up to the tasting room and opened the door for us. We tasted icewine made from 7 different varieties and they all had their distinct flavor. I have to admit that after the first three icewines, I was already feeling giddy from the sugar high and it was the change to the Cabernet Franc that saved me from palate fatigue. The icewines were sweet and had a
good balance of acidity which saved it from being cloying. We purchased a few icewines because we just couldn't resist! Back at our Inn, my husband asked me if I had seen the writing on the blackboard. Of course, without
my glasses on, I cannot see 8 feet in front of me so the answer was "No", but I did capture what he was referring to in this photo on the right. I know it's a little blurry, but you can see it: In the Billy Myers series, there is a bottle of 2000 Chardonnay Icewine retailing for $250,000.00!
The icewines are made by Joseph DeMaria, a former hairdresser turned winemaker. There is more information on these extraordinary icewines and Joseph DeMaria icewinemaker at the Royal DeMaria website and also at Royal DeMaria: Canada's Icewine Specialist.

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