
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hector Wine Company

After lunch at the Red Newt Bistro, we went to the Hector Wine Company, just up the road. Tina Hazlitt said that we should check it out because their son Jason is the co-owner of the winery and in charge of marketing. Justin Boyette, the winemaker and co-owner was in the winery when we arrived and he showed us the new oak fermentation tanks that they recently took possession of and then gave us a tasting. While we were there, a steady stream of visitors arrived.
After that, we were on the move again. We made our way to Findley Lake, NY on the Southern Tier Highway, an hour away from Portland, NY where the Winery Sanitation Workshop was held the following day. Take note of the ominous dark clouds. They will come into play soon.

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