
Saturday, March 3, 2012

National Grape Registry

Before taking the UC Davis online course, I had no idea that such as place as the National Grape Registry existed. Yes, I am a proponent of the online courses, it has taught me so much.
Today, I spent some time at the site which is located here:
National Grape Registry
We have ordered our grapevines for delivery in the spring of 2013 (please see the previous post: The Clones are Coming). I am rereading my Viticulture notes and in doing so, either had forgotten or never really paid attention to the fact that the different clonal selections listed in the National Grape Registry can be the same Foundation Plant Services Selection but differ due to the heat treatments performed during the testing of the grape variety for viruses. This is true for Chenin Blanc, one of the varieties that we have ordered from Mercier. The source of both FPS02 and FPS03 is FPS01, but with different heat treatments. When we were at Mercier, Sebastian allowed us to taste both the FPS01 and the ENTAV clone. Out in the field, when both bunches were just picked, the FPS tasted sweeter than the ENTAV clone, but when we chilled both clones and then tasted it again, the ENTAV clone was much more flavorful so we went with the ENTAV clone.
The National Grape Registry site is a good site to familiarize yourself with the various clones of a variety that have been tested and are available.

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