
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eichhorn-Lorenz Grapevine Phenology

I'm at it again, looking through my notes and came across a download that I did in the Viticulture course regarding the Eichhorn-Lorenz stages of grapevine growth.1 In 1977 Eichhorn and Lorenz published a paper in which they devised this system of classifying and referring to the various stages of vine growth.
Knowing the proper terminology of the stages of grapevine growth is helpful in understanding when certain diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew are at the highest risk of damage to the grapevine. A terrific guide to grapevine disease can be found here: Identification Guide to the Major Diseases of Grapes. Appendix 2 contains a detailed description as well as photos of each phenological stage.
1. Grapevine Phenology and Data Collection
     Eric T. Stafne  Oklahoma State University
     Kevin Ker   Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute Brock University

2. Vineyard IPM Scouting Report for week of 3 May 2010

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