
Friday, November 18, 2011

The Science of Wine by Jamie Goode

The Science of Wine, subtitled "From Vine to Glass" is written by Jamie Goode and published in 2005. The book is divided into 3 sections: "In the Vineyard", "In the Winery" and "Our Interaction with Wine". In each section, Jamie Goode presents relevant and current material of interest many of which are controversial, and provides scientific explanations. For example, in Section 1, Goode has a chapter on biodynamics with a handy chart of the preparations used in biodynamic farming:
Goode writes that the key to biodynamics is to consider the farm as a living system and the soil as an organism in its own right. Goode sites the work of Prof. John Reganold at Washington State University who compared conventional farms in New Zealand with biodynamic farms. It was published in Science in 1993 and was entitled Soil Quality and Financial Performance of Biodynamic and Conventional Farms in New Zealand. This study found that the biodynamic farms had significantly higher soil quality, with more organic matter and microbial activity.
This is just one of the topics that Jamie Goode covered in this book. I found others to be just as intriguing and in the coming days I hope to post other topics in this blog. Please stay tuned and come back!

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