
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Roots Run Deep

This morning, my husband and I were sitting down and doing more research for our as yet pie-in-the-sky vineyard and he came across a wine label that at first blush is really clever. The label called Educated Guess is from the Roots Run Deep Winery in Yountville, California. I have to confess that I know nothing about the winery. When I went over to my husband's computer to see the label, I said, "Oh, that's the flavylium cation of anthocyanin", and he concurred. I asked him to send the link to me and when I did a little more browsing of the site, there was more information on the label, including the following: For those of you who aren’t chemists and want to know more about what the 5 formula strings on the label mean, please download this PDF. So, I downloaded the PDF and found an error. For starters, sulfur dioxide, the explanatory PDF superscripted the 2, like this SO2 instead of the correct chemical shorthand, SO2. There are numerous other errors that appear on the label. How many do you see?
Here is the link to the explanatory PDF.

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